Download Espeak Text To Speech Indonesia ( 2 MB )

Lagi-lagi nemu bahan yang bagus buat di share nih! Haha, gara-gara kmaren gak produktif (inet gak ada yang konek T.T) jadi malam ini nyari bahan buat di posting. Sekalian nyari bahan buat nyicil skripsi tentunya, walaupun gak tau juga mau nyari apaan! #lah?

Sebenarnya saya lagi nyari-nyari bahan buat Text to Speech sama Speech to Text bahasa Indonesia buat dijadiin Skripsi. Tapi gak tau deh gimana jadinya ntar, ngomporin temen-temen buat bantuin gak dapet-dapet. Hoho, ada yang mau bantuin saya?

Oke  balik lagi ke judul Espeak  Indonesia. Ini ada sebuah aplikasi yang bagus dengan menggunakan Diphone Indonesia.
Berikut link website dan link download softwarenya :

Linux 32bits and portaudio v18. (2.7 MBytes)
Compiled for Windows. SAPI5 and command-line versions. (2.2 MBytes)
Compiled for Mac OSX (1.9 MBytes)
Compiled for RISC OS (1.0 MBytes)

Setelah Menginstal Usahakan Mengisi Kode Ini Supaya Dapat Bahasa Indonesianya
dengan mengetik  id id+f2

  • Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered.
  • Can produce speech output as a WAV file.
  • SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is supported (not complete), and also HTML.
  • Compact size. The program and its data, including many languages, totals about 2 Mbytes.
  • Can be used as a front-end to MBROLA diphone voices, see mbrola.html. eSpeak converts text to phonemes with pitch and length information.
  • Can translate text into phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine.
  • Potential for other languages. Several are included in varying stages of progress. Help from native speakers for these or other languages is welcome.
  • Development tools are available for producing and tuning phoneme data.
  • Written in C.
I regularly use eSpeak to listen to blogs and news sites. I prefer the sound through a domestic stereo system rather than small computer speakers, which can sound rather harsh.

Languages. The eSpeak speech synthesizer supports several languages, however in many cases these are initial drafts and need more work to improve them. Assistance from native speakers is welcome for these, or other new languages. Please contact me if you want to help. eSpeak does text to speech synthesis for the following languages, some better than others.
Afrikaans, Albanian, Aragonese, Armenian, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Kannada, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Lojban, Macedonian, Malaysian, Malayalam, Mandarin, Nepalese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish, Vietnamese, Welsh.

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